Léa Munsch explores an ancient and instinctive bond with materials originating from the Earth. She draws from nature to give shape to an abstract, architectural, raw and natural world.

From her studio, an ever-evolving cast of ageless forms emerges, sculptures born at the crossroads where art and architecture meet. 
Like an archeological endeavor that blurs the lines of time, her sculptures seem to come from an ancient future. 

Her pratice is expanding to encompass the primordial triade,
clay, wood and stone.

She is drawn to the cultures imagined by ancient civilizations long before our era began, as well as prehistoric art, for the profound connection between art, life, and nature they represent.

Léa Munsch lives and works in Lorraine, in eastern France, where she's taken over a space in a former factory perched on a river at the heart of a forest.

The Studio